The Life of McKenna

The Life of Cam

Gourmet Club and Friends whom Surround Us..

Enjoy a Little Music...

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Winter Reflection...

This is always the time of year when we look at resolutions... those things we would like to change, improve, reflect upon, and ways to grow. As I watch the inaugural events, the theme also rings "the need for change" more so than ever. Enjoying the weekend with a great group of friends, I am thankful for them and the ability to not take things so seriously- to allow myself to laugh, enjoy life, and enjoy company as I know so many don't. I am thankful for Kevin- our individual "issues" and idiosyncrasies balance each other out. We are a lot opposite, but we keep each other in check. I am so blessed to have been able to have McKenna and Cam! A lot of people really enjoy the baby stage, but as they get older there are definitely neat things at each stage of their development (except for the question from Cam last night, based from a prescription commercial, asking me what "unprotected sex" was).

I added a songlist to my blog and as you can see there is a big variety of difference in some of the songs. They represent many of the components that make up our lives. The spiritual and "always working on ourselves" songs, the thankful songs, the nostalgic, and the current songs. Last summer our friends and the kids all time favorite song (yes, this is one area I contaminated my kids)- All Summer Long by Kid Rock. Absolutely not appropriate for the kids but the whole group of them belted it out "All Summer Long"- at the pool, at our BBQs and parties, it was always on the radio, and we could not get it out of our heads as it was a great mix of 2 classics!! Money is great to have, but to be able to just relax, and let the kids be kids as long as they possibly can, and have lots of people around you to share in the making of their memories and experiences is wonderful! The anthem to them is yet another of my selections- I Hope You Dance- by Leann Womack. I am hoping for this new year to keep challenging myself- whether it be with weight, faith, character, knowledge, or with my relationships. Never to take them for granted, and not to fall in a rut of an unexamined life.

As with the change of the economy and the rest of the U.S.A.- Let's see what you can do Obama... You go get'em! And to George & Jen, as discussed in our group this weekend, we will see if he has the "right program"- HA!

Can't wait for Super Bowl Sunday as our next "Gourmet Club" will commence. Camden is thrilled as we tend to favor Pittsburgh in this house, and he can wear all of his garb.

Have a great rest of the week!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Enough Said

Current Conditions for 44667
Feels Like: -29°F
Wind: 9mph
Humidity: 69%
Updated:05:56 EST

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snuggled indoors

My cousin Sue and I had planned on switching kids Friday night. McKenna going there with Abbi, while Mitch comes to our house. Seeing the forecast, we knew it was a possibility it would be a whole weekend event. We sent extra clothing and snow gear and prepared the kids that they may be stuck until Sunday... and they were. At our house, we got over 6" of snow. It was a no-plans(very unusual), curl up and get nothing done weekend- and we did it so well. The boys had a blast in the snow, watching movies, making their own pizzas, playing Battleship, and the big hit... Mitch's DS. Cam wasn't even upset that the first Upward Basketball game of the season was cancelled. He was hoping he would get that call from his coach!

McKenna went with Abbi to Build a Bear (before it really started snowing) to celebrate Abbi's Birthday. They played in the snow and created a snow fort and a snow fort for the Littlest Pet Shop animals.

I have been doing little organizational things (HA! this is one of them) only to procrastinate working on a grant due Friday. Hopefully, tonight I will force myself to start it so I am not so on edge by the end of the week. Luckily next week is a 3-day weekend for me and our Gourmet Club will be having our party- Theme: Authentic Italian. Handily, we have Rena's sister-in-law to double check the recipe authenticity, as she is from Italy.

I am hoping all is well with everyone as you start a fresh new week .

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Very stressful next two weeks with work, and these laws that keep passing through Congress are not helping my razzled state of mind!

1st- Booster seat law. If it was really about the safety of the children, there would be height and weight requirements and not age. I have a good solid tall little dude, and surely I am not going to be carrying around a booster to his basketball and football games in preps there may be a possibility of grabbing a ride with a friend. Nor will I have a 1/2 dozen boosters in my van because I decided to take a group of kids to the park. Fine me $100. Cam's b-day is now 3-15-"00".

2nd- Consumer Product Safety Act- Although regulation is definitely necessary, this is the most absurd way to go about it. Not only would this deny all access to affordable clothing and products to poor families, but businesses left and right will go down in flames. Consignment stores, the Salvation Army and Goodwill stores, Ebay purchasing for 12 and under products, even garage sale-ing, and I understand even giveaways like Toys For Tots and Coats for Kids would be affected by this as well. These products would, after 2-10 be considered hazardous waste because it may contain lead. And the disposal of all this waste will occur how and where?? And if my child isn't in a booster seat I get fined $100, but if I sell and non marked "Lead free" piece of clothing at a garage sale I could get fined $8,000 for the first offense and $100,000 for the second- What in the world?? Not sure how this many government reps were sleeping and didn't bother reading the proposal or thinking of all the ramifications while signing. I am predicting that during the next 30 days of the "conversation period" this thing will go down in flames because of all of the opposition. Why not simply test the crap coming into the states at the border. If it contains lead or hazardous chemicals it gets shipped back, the company gets fined, gets black listed, and are not allow to have any of their products imported into the states.
Okay- I am ready to relax now, continue making chocolate chips cookies, and plan for tomorrow.
Probably should do a little cleaning as we are doing a kid swap this weekend as cousin Mitch is coming to stay with Cam, and McKenna is going to stay with cousin Abbi. Poor little Zane will be stuck with the girls.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

This is my first post, and I figured why not stall on getting Christmas stuff put away by creating a blogspot! My friends have been telling me I need to get set up, so here I go...

As I get this going I will probably continue to add some past stuff as well as the present.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Our Christmas season started by McKenna being in the production of "Humbug". Although she only had 1 line, she played several characters and had 3 dress changes.

This was the second play that the Orrville Theater Company has put out as both her and Cam were Munchkins in "Over the Rainbow" over the summer.

The kids both sang in a program at Orrville Christian Church on December 21. I can't believe how tall McKenna looks compared to the rest of her row!! This was preschool to forth grade.

Christmas day, was crazy as usual. The kids get up around 7:30 and we head downstairs. Cam is at the stage (almost 8), where he doesn't want to believe in Santa, but I think he is afraid not to.

Hot toys for Cam-- Star Wars lego sets, Scooter, and Bakugan stuff (Pokemon the next generation I guess).

Hot stuff for McKenna- American Girl Stuff, Digital Camera (which is better than mine), Digital Stylin' Studio, and yes, more Webkinz.

We then went to Kevin's parents for lunch and presents. The kids visited with their cousins Laura, Alissa, and Christina before they return to Turkey in January. We then went to my aunt's house for supper where we visited with my mom's side of the family (although she didn't go).

The next night, my brother and our family went over to my mom's for supper. We had touched base with my dad's side the week before.

We spent New Year's Eve with Rena, Andy, Lauryn, Logan, Denise, Kevin, Connor, and Alyssa hanging out watching football and movies, playing board games, and enjoying Mojitos, as the adults and kids split up in the house. As usual, the resolutions include getting thinner, getting more fiscal, getting more organized.
We almost made it through the vacation w/out anyone getting sick, but McKenna was out for about 1 1/2 days. And now it is time to return to school.

50's party