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Monday, August 24, 2009

First day of school

And so it begins. McKenna spent all evening last night gearing up and in crisis about what to wear. Cam had to also go stylin' and created an outfit ready to be worn. McKenna is entering 5th grade- The Middle School. Needing to be at school by 7:45 this year! Don't have a morning-kinda-girl!! Our morning tantrum included the fact I wanted her to do either choir or band this year. She cried- I want to do study hall. She was forced to compromise to piano lessons. Then there was the hair issue. I wasn't curling it right- no she didn't want her bangs showing, blah blah blah. And then.. the fact I made her cut off her Kalahari entrance bracelet from last week put her over the edge. "It matches mt outfit!" I don't know if she ever finished polishing her one hand- as she wanted me to help her right before bed last night (it will only smear all over your sheets- do it in the morning). Ooops... didn't get to do it. Cam has been ready to walk out the door for 45 minutes now. School for him starts at 8:50. It is 8:09.

I am ready to be back in a routine, as I get nothing done during the unstructured summer! Trying to weed a bunch of crap out of here- old papers, files, clothes, etc... If anyone wants to buy some Phaltzgraff "Winterberry" dishes I would like to free up some kitchen space as well. I just never use them except for a few pieces. The paperwork for school is crazy and the amount of checks I have wrote out this month has been never-ending. Kev is on 2nd shift which puts all the sports activities on me all week. Hope he makes some suppers for me before he leaves for work! McKenna in volleyball and now apparently piano lessons, Cam in Football, and then at least one of them probably in drama for the Christmas production.

Can't wait to hear the reports from the first day of school this afternoon!

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